Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Director: Ang Lee

Starring: Jake Gylenhaal, Heath Ledger

Genre: Romance

There were two cowboy, Jack and Ennis, who never meet each other before and they have to work together in the Brokeback Mountain for several months to look after the sheep. During the several months, they not only have built a strong friendship but more than that. After the job in Brokeback Mountain, they have go back to their

Famous quote of the movie: Ennis: 'I wish I knew how to quit you.'

Score: 85

Movie Trailer:


  1. love heath ledger's movie! he is such a good actor, except this, i also like his other movie-the dark knight king. jake is also very good, i like his 'the day after tomorrow a lot!

  2. Jasmine: hope health ledger rest in peace... he is such an great actor!
